Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to The Course!
    • Module Overview
    • Virtualization Overview
  • 2
    VirtualBox: On Premises Lab
    • Section Overview
    • Downloading and Installing VirtualBox
    • Creating a Virtual Network with VirtualBox
    • How to Create Virtual Machines with VirtualBox
    • How to Install Windows Server 2016 on Your Virtual Machine
    • Installing Windows 10 in our IT Lab
  • 3
    Off-Premises AWS Lab Setup
    • Off-premises Lab Section Overview
    • Registering an AWS Account
    • Creating an AWS EC2 Instance
    • Terminating Your EC2 Instance and Off-Premises Lab
  • 4
    Free Off-Premises Microsoft Lab (Bonus)
    • How to access and Launch Microsoft Cloud Hosted Labs for Free