Course curriculum

  • 1
    Course Introduction
    • Instructor and Course Introduction
    • What's New in Windows Server 2016 DNS
  • 2
    DNS Basics
    • What is DNS
    • Installing the DNS Windows Server Role
    • Building DNS Server Quiz
    • The Hosts File
    • Do I need NETBIOS?
    • The Problem with NetBIOS
    • DNS Console Overview
    • Recursive and Iterative Queries
    • DNS Basics LAB
    • DNS Basics Quiz
  • 3
    DNS Resource Records
    • DNS Resource Record Types
    • Creating the mytestzone Forward Lookup Zone
    • Creating DNS Resource Records
    • Creating DNS Resource Records Lab
    • DNS Resource Records Quiz
  • 4
    DNS Zones
    • DNS Zones
    • Creating a Forward and Reverse Lookup Zone
    • Creating a Secondary Zones
    • Stub Zone Creation
    • Active Directory Zone Replication
    • Implementing DNS Forwarding
    • Implementing Conditional DNS Forwarding
    • Forward and Reverse Zone Creation Lab
    • Creating a Secondary Zone Lab
    • Conditional Forwarding Lab
    • Creating a Stub Zone Lab
    • DNS Zones Quiz
  • 5
    DNS Delegation
    • Domain Name System and DNS Delegation
    • Windows 2016 Server and DNS Zone Delegation
    • DNS Delegation Lab
    • QUIZ - Domain Name System and DNS Delegation
  • 6
    DNS Security Techniques
    • DNS Security Techniques Overview
    • Configuring DNS Cache Locking
    • Configuring DNS Socket Pools
    • Configuring Response Rate Limiting
    • DNS Security Techniques Quiz
  • 7
    Advanced DNS Topics
    • Overview of Advanced Topics
    • Enabling Round Robin and Netmask Ordering
    • Configuring Recursion
    • IPV4 and IPV6 Root HInts
    • Advanced DNS Topics Quiz
  • 8
    DNS Security (DNSSEC)
    • Windows DNS Security Overview
    • Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption
    • Installing DNSSEC on Windows 2016 Server
    • DNSSEC Client Install
    • DNSSEC (DNS Security Lab)
    • DNSSEC Quiz
  • 9
    DNS Policies
    • DNS Policies Background Information
    • Configuring DNS Filtering
    • Configuring Split Brain DNS in an Active Directory Environment
    • Configuring DNS Selective Recursion Policy
    • Configuring a Traffic Management Policy
    • DNS Policies
  • 10
    PowerShell for DNS
    • PowerShell for DNS Part 1
    • PowerShell for DNS Part 2
    • PowerShell for DNS Part 3
    • PowerShell for DNS Part 4
    • PowerShell for DNS LAB
    • Powershell for DNS Quiz
  • 11
    Troubleshooting DNS Issues - Troubleshooting Tools
    • Troubleshooting Tools Every IT Pro Must Know
    • Table - Troubleshooting Tools every IT pro should know
    • The Events Viewer Overview
    • Subscriptions
    • Table for Subscription Creation
    • Monitoring and Debug Logging
    • Trouble-Shooting DNS Client Issues
    • Troubleshooting Subscriptions Lab
    • DNS Troubleshooting Lab
    • DNS Troubleshooting Quiz